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18 projects selected to receive support under the EIT Community NEB Initiative

Supporting the New European Bauhaus mission of integrating innovation, creativity and design to improve citizens’ quality of life while respecting our planet, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is mobilising its pan-European ecosystem to spur innovation through the EIT Community New European Bauhaus initiative.

date:  25/07/2022

18 Citizen Engagement projects from 14 countries have been selected from two programmes launched by the EIT Community: New European Bauhaus Co-creation of Public Spaces aimed at resolving challenges and redesigning public spaces in cities, semi-urban and rural areas and New European Bauhaus Citizen Engagement Programme aimed at identifying and co-creating community solutions with citizens.

Each project will receive between EUR 15.000 and EUR 45.000 to support the testing and scaling of their innovations. Find the full list of selected projects here. NEB team will facilitate sharing results and learnings from supported projects with the NEB community.

About EIT community New European Bauhaus Initiative

The EIT Community New European Bauhaus initiative supports sustainable ventures by boosting education and engagement with citizens to scale the mission of the New European Bauhaus integrating innovation, creativity and design to improve citizens’ quality of life. This initiative by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is led by EIT Climate-KIC and includes EIT Digital, EIT Food, EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility brings science, technology, arts and culture together in the fight against climate change. Find more information in Factsheet on EIT Community New European Bauhaus activities.