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Report from a working session "NEB and Ukraine"

Over 90 representatives of New European Bauhaus Community members participated in an online session organized on 12 July. The session aimed to understand what the NEB community is doing and how we can join forces, avoid parallel structures and pull our efforts together to be even more impactful in supporting Ukrainian people and entities.

date:  19/07/2022

The session had several content inputs and group work sessions:

  1. Presentation of the framework provided by NEB and its three pillars for addressing immediate and long-term support for Ukraine by Ruth Reichstein.
  2. Workshop to collect feedback about the framework and complement it with information on needs, resources and projects that are relevant or could contribute to each of the pillars.
  3. Presentation of a big picture of actors (Commission and non-Commission) that contribute to efforts inside and outside of Ukraine and needs NEB Unit identified inside and outside of Ukraine and related to short and long-term solutions (NB: the overview is not complete) by Vera Winthagen.
  4. Workshop to map resources, needs and challenges and projects relevant to the immediate situation and reconstruction of Ukraine inside and outside of the country. 
  5. Presentation of the Climate Care Academy event that will take place between 22-24 August in Bratislava and has been initiated by Mária Beňačková Rišková from the High-level Round Table. 

Altogether, the NEB community identified 75 needs & challenges, mapped 61 projects, added 39 resources and provided 26 feedbacks. We are very grateful and appreciative of that.

Find out more about the session

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