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Eleventh session of World Urban Forum successfully concluded

World Urban Forum took place in Katowice, Poland at the end of June. Under the title Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future, it brought together 17.000 participants from 155 countries who provided greater insights and clarity on the future of cities based on existing trends, challenges and opportunities, as well as suggested ways cities can be better prepared to address future pandemics and a wide range of other shocks.

date:  11/07/2022

EU’s vision for future cities is set out in the New Leipzig Charter and also follows the principles of the New Urban Agenda to which it added 3 voluntary commitments:

  • First, to extend cooperation on sustainable urban development with cities in EU partner countries.
  • Second, to support 100 European cities as hubs of experimentation and innovation for green, digital and inclusive transformations.
  • Third, through the New European Bauhaus, to support models and experimentation in making cities not just sustainable, but also more beautiful and inclusive: sustainability with style!

The culmination of five days of debate and discussion is the Declared Actions of the Eleventh Session of the World Urban Forum. Dozens of commitments have already been made, but city planners, mayors, governments, civil society and community groups can submit their actions on the Urban Agenda Platform until 31 July 2022.