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Save the date: Forum registrations at NEB Festival will open on Thursday (10 May) at 10:00

Dear NEB community, The New European Bauhaus Festival is around the corner. The core activities of the Festival will take place in Brussels, with side events across the EU and beyond.

date:  10/05/2022

Dear NEB community,

The New European Bauhaus Festival is around the corner. The core activities of the Festival will take place in Brussels, with side events across the EU and beyond. 

The Festival is designed around three main pillars:

  • The Fair: to exhibit and showcase projects and prototypes reflecting and supporting the values of the New European Bauhaus. The Fair is organised in both live and online formats with projects from all around the world.
  • The Fest: a moment of celebration bringing together culture, art and conviviality celebrating, freedom of expression with radical, innovative, disruptive ideas and visions. It consists of a cultural programme with performances organised at the main venues of the Festival and across Brussels, alongside opportunities to meet, interact and exchange ideas.
  • The Forum: to exchange views and debate topics relating to the New European Bauhaus. 

The Forum will take place at two different venues in Brussels: (1) Mont des Arts in the city centre and (2) Gare Maritime at the Tour de Taxis. 

The Forum number of seats at the Gare Maritime venue is limited, and thus we need to apply a registration process. NEB community members have early access to the registration process.

It is important to note that all other activities of the NEB Festival will be open and accessible without registration.

The registration process for Forum activities at Gare Maritime will open on Thursday, 12 May 2022. You will receive the invitation on Thursday morning through the community update mailing. The forum programme will be shared together with the invitation.

Unfortunately, the number of the seats at the Gare Maritime venue is not enough for the whole NEB community, thus the following rules for the registration process will apply:

  • Each NEB community entity can register one participant;
  • Registrations will be confirmed on a "first-come, first-serve" basis until seats for early registration are out.

We look forward to meeting you in Brussels!

NEB Team