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Working rooms available for community-led activities during the NEB Festival

We invite you to take advantage of an opportunity to organise your activity at Gare Maritime (venue of the Forum) during the NEB Festival in Brussels.

date:  25/04/2022

ContactBorut Cink

We secured three working rooms that are available to the NEB community members for organizing onsite activities on 9th, 10th and 11th June 2022 between 09:00 and 17:00 (CET).

The rooms can host activities with up to 30 people and will be equipped with furniture (tables and chairs), flipchart or other kind of board and materials needed for activities (pens, post-its, etc.). Videoconferencing system is not available and therefore organizing a hybrid activitiy is not possible.

There are no restrictions or requirements for submitting activity proposals activities. The final selection of the proposed activities will be made according to the following criteria:

  • Priority will be given to activities proposed by a group of partners (the more partners the better) and aiming at advancing on community-led projects proposals and ideas that have the ambition to enter the NEB Lab.
  • Priority will be given to activities that strongly benefit from a face-to-face format (e.g. participatory features difficult to implement on-line) as well as to those that maximise the use of the facility (bringing together close to 30 people).

If the number of proposed activities that fulfil the criteria will exceed the working rooms’ availability, we will favour shorter activities (2 hours long or shorter) and diversity of topics in the final mix of selected activities.

Please send your proposals or inquires to Borut Cink by 9 May 2022. Activity proposal should include short session description including planned methodologies, expected results and expected number of participants.

Final selection of activities will be announced on 13 May 2022.