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The New European Bauhaus in...

Partners meet their peers in their countries

date:  24/01/2022

See alsoJoin the Webex session on Friday

ContactNew European Bauhaus team

Good evening!

Here is your invitation to the work session this Friday, dedicated to discovering Partners in your own country. (or in the country you are more interested in!)

We start at 11:00 CET, one hour earlier than usual, and we finish at 13:00 so we can have lunch.

The session will start with a quick update from Xavier, and will be followed by Country specific breakout rooms.

In each breakout room we will have a quick round of introductions (2 minutes per partner) followed by a flexible time for a more free exchange.

We expect some rooms to be quite packed, some others to be less busy. Therefore, for some rooms we may only use most of the time for the quick introductions. The best way to make an effective use of this time is to prepare your two-minute pitch in advance. We will appoint one (VERY STRICT!) moderator in each room with license to interrupt... to allow space to everyone.

A possible structure of your pitch could be:

  • Your name
  • Your organisation
  • What your organisation is about, in one sentence
  • If you contributed already to the New European Bauhaus, provide an overview in one minute (and a link to more info if available)
  • Use the rest of the time to explain what you are interested in doing with other partners from your own country

As an alternative, you could reuse the information in the organisation page that you have prepared in our community platform, and share the link with other members.
Here is the link to the list of available pages.
And here is where you can add your organisation.

If your room is not too populated and have free time left after the conversation, you are of course free to join any other room, but as listener only. Also, please do not introduce yourself in a room of a country you don't belong to, even if you joined from the beginning: give your slot to the next in line. Let's keep this session country specific.

We will remind you all the recommendations for the breakout sessions on Friday.

Aside from this, just an additional reminder for the info session on funding opportunities, this Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00 CET. You can find more information in our page dedicated to funding opportunities.

Hope to see you in our sessions, have a nice week!


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Meeting number: 2744 578 4000 

Meeting password:    nzWKU2xt$87 (69958298 from phones)
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+32-262-00867 Belgium Toll  
+352-2730-0072 Luxembourg Toll  
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