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EuroMeSCo's Annual Conference explores foresight and future scenarios of cooperation

On 16-17 May, the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) organised the Annual Conference of EuroMeSCo, a regional network of more than 110 think tanks and research institutes across Europe and the Southern Neighbourhood. Prospects for maritime security, migration, and economic interdependence in the Mediterranean were the main themes of this two-day event gathering officials from EU institutions (mainly the European Commission and the European External Action Service), researchers, civil society representatives and think tankers.

date:  22/05/2024

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ContactJustine BELAID

The EuroMeSCo Annual Conference 2024 took place on 16-17 May at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels, bringing together around 140 practitioners, researchers, and policymakers. Themed "Mediterranean Foresight: Exploring Future Scenarios of Cooperation," the conference aimed to address the pressing issues and future cooperation prospects in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Discussions emphasised the strategic importance of the Mediterranean for global trade and regional security, the need for a collaborative approach to migration policies, and the importance of revising economic integration to address socio-economic disparities exacerbated by recent global crises. A multistakeholders platform explored the different communication, perceptions and narrative challenges shaping Euro-Mediterranean relations. The conference concluded with three foresight working sessions that delved into specific scenarios for the region’s future.