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Clima-Med workshop in Morocco on the SEACAPs optimisation and funding tools

A two-day workshop gathered key Moroccan stakeholders to discuss practical aspects of the preparation and implementation of SEACAPs, and particularly those related to access to key financing mechanisms.

date:  16/04/2024

See alsoMore information on Clima-Med's website

ContactCristina CASELLA

On 6-7 March, the Clima-Med project, funded by the EU, initiated a two-day workshop in Rabat where the project's outputs and deliverables were presented, and their use and sustainability were discussed and promoted.

Representatives from the Ministry of Energy Transition, the Executive Council for the Association of Moroccan Mayors, the President of the municipality of Salé and a member of the executive council of the Moroccan Association of Presidents of Communal Councils, more than 15 municipalities, Unions of municipalities, and several officials and associations joined to gain practical knowledge on preparing and implementing SEACAPs (Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans) in the communes and understanding the available financing mechanisms to facilitate their access to essential financial resources.

The project's activities and deliverables were presented. This includes the Climate Action Strategy (CAS), the SEACAP Preparation Manual, and the Climate Finance Guidebook focussed on the financing of local actions. A group consolidation work followed in an interactive format, where participants engaged in four thematic points and developed a draft roadmap that addressed a specific climate issue and proposed related solutions in a stimulating debate.