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Joint Steering Committee NEAR-OECD-ILO-ITC

On 30 January 2024, in Brussels, DG NEAR held a Joint Steering Committee on three programmes focusing on trade and investment with OECD, ILO and ITC. An occasion to share key updates and main achievements and discuss programmes' sustainability.

date:  30/01/2024

ContactGiacomo BOGO

Within the framework of the trade and investment package DG NEAR commissioned in 2019, which includes three key programmes implemented by the OECD (Support the investment climate in the South Mediterranean Region), the ILO (Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment) and the ITC (Trade and Investment Facilitation Mechanism II), a Joint Steering Committee was held by DG NEAR in Brussels on 20 January 2024.

The Joint Steering Committee was divided in two main parts: in the first part the three organisations gave thorough presentations highlighting main achievements and sharing key updates on their respective programmes, while the second part of the meeting was dedicated to open discussion on synergies, cooperation and future sustainability of the three programmes.

The Joint Steering Committee revealed as a good chance for DG NEAR and the three partners to strategically share information and best practices as well as to involve each other more in the respective events and activities. Moreover, at the meeting also the EUDs from the Southern Neighbourhood were involved enriching the discussion and sharing key elements and aspects characterising each respective country.

For more information on the respective programmes:

OECD - Support the investment climate in the South Mediterranean Region

ILO - Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and InvestmentĀ 

ITC - Trade and Investment Facilitation Mechanism, phase II