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EuroMeSCo launches Call for Experts for Mediterranean Foresight Conference

The Call targets experts in foresight with experience on facilitating foresight groups and researchers focusing on conflict, security, energy or politics in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

date:  15/02/2024

See alsoCall for Experts for the Mediterranean F...

ContactLiisa TANTTARI

EuroMeSCo has launched a Call for Experts for the Mediterranean Foresight Conference. They are looking for experts with experience facilitating foresight groups and researchers working on conflict and security, energy or politics in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Selected experts will take part in the Foresight Working Sessions of the EuroMeSCo Annual Conference 2024 taking place in Brussels on 16-17 May 2024. Experts will be tasked with designing the foresight exercise, facilitating the working session, and producing a EuroMeSCo Foresight Paper after the event on the following themes: Post-election political scenarios in the Euro-Mediterranean region, the future of the conflict in Gaza and the prospects for energy cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The deadline to apply is 27 February 2024.