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Contribution to the development of a joint public and private roadmap to reduce the use of single-use plastic in Jordan

The "Contribution to the development of a joint public-private roadmap to reduce the use of single-use plastics in Jordan" was put in place by the “Water and Environment Support (WES)" in the ENI Southern Neighborhood region to support Green economy and investment in the waste sector in Jordan.

date:  29/01/2024

See alsoContribution to the development of a joi...

ContactFrederic FOURTUNE

From May 2021 to December 2023, following the request of the Ministry of Environment (MoENV) of Jordan, the “Water and Environment Support (WES)" in the Southern Neighbourhood project conducted a ‘twin’ activity, covering two topics : ‘Curbing Single-Use Plastics (SUPs)’ and ‘Green Banking’. In order to support the implementation of the Green Economy roadmap and green investment opportunities in the waste sector in Jordan and in particular of SUPs.

The overall aim of the activity “Contribution to the development of a joint public-private roadmap to transition to reduce the use of single-use plastics (SUPs) in Jordan (N-E-JO-1)”, was to provide technical assistance and strengthen the capacities of Jordan to elaborate and implement effective measures to reduce consumption and leakage of SUPs into the environment.

The activity also aimed at improving the understanding of the factors that enable or hinder the Central and Commercial Banks of Jordan, as well as the private sector, to invest in green projects.