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Mashrek and Maghreb clusters meetings: enhancing collaboration for technology and innovation development

The regional meetings took place on 23 and 24 January 2024, an occasion for partners and clusters to play a vital role in formulating recommendations and acting as the foundation for country-specific public-private policy dialogues.

date:  26/01/2024

See alsoEuromed Clusters Forward

ContactVirginie COSSOUL

The Mashrek and Maghreb clusters regional meetings which took place on the 23rd and 24th of January aimed to collect inputs and suggestions from clusters to enhance the cluster environment, bolster their competitiveness, and contribute to cluster development.

Moreover, they aimed to improve the regulatory framework of the clusters and the incentives for collaboration among stakeholders. These meetings played a vital role in formulating recommendations and serve as primary data collection for country-specific public-private policy dialogues.