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Exciting news for the Euromed Trade Help Desk

The Capacity Building Programme on the Euromed Trade Helpdesk tool has been launched in Tunisia.

date:  14/12/2023

See alsoEuromed Tradehelpdesk

ContactGiacomo BOGO

With EU funding, the Ministry of Trade and Export Development, the Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX), the EU Delegation and the ITC launched the first workshop of the programme in October 2023.  

Representatives from 15 public and private institutions from 8 cities came together to discover this regional tool. During this 5-day training, they learned to:

-               Identify new export opportunities for domestic products.

-               Set the conditions of access to the market of their choice.

-               Perform a comprehensive market analysis using the tool.

Similarly, participants had the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice through practical exercises and group presentations:

Among the strengths expressed by a participant in the workshop: "The preparation of the presentation" Export Market Study Sheet "which allowed participants to familiarize themselves with the knowledge acquired and to apply the different concepts presented during the training".

In a next step, they will prepare individual export cards for Tunisian products with high export potential in the Mediterranean region or the EU. Subsequently, participants will be invited to join the next "Training of Trainers" workshop.