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Budapest Convention on Cybercrime – key discussion on Tunisia legislative alignment

Important meeting between Tunisian authorities and representatives of the EU-funded Cybersouth Programme to further discuss Tunisian advancement towards its legislative alignment with the Budapest Convention provisions.

date:  12/12/2023

See alsoCyberSouth and Tunisia

ContactJustine BELAID

Within the framework of the EU-funded regional programme CyberSouth, on 4 and 5 December 2023, representatives of the Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC) and of the Council of Europe Office in Tunis met representatives of the Tunisian government and parliament to discuss the advancement of the country towards legislative alignment with the provisions of the Budapest Convention.

Representatives of the Assembly of People, of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, of Justice, of the Interior, and of Communication Technologies of the Republic of Tunisia met with Council of Europe counterparts to discuss the advance of Tunisia with regards to the fight against transnational threats, and cybercrime in particular.

Participants recognised the continuous efforts by the Tunisian authorities to fight against serious and transnational threats, including cybercrime, as well as the increasing co-operation with the Council of Europe in many important areas as jointly agreed within the framework of the Neighbourhood Partnership with Tunisia 2022-2025. As the programme CyberSouth is drawing to a close at the end of 2023, the meeting gave way to the introduction of the programme CyberSouth+, to start on 1st January 2024.