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Synergies and Cooperation - Regional Arab Cybersecurity Forum discussed key issues

The “Arab Cybersecurity Forum on Protecting Personal Data in the Age of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence” took place in Tunis on 4 and 5 December 2023 with the aim to explore synergies and increase cooperation with members of the League of Arab States.

date:  12/12/2023

See alsoArab Cybersecurity Days in Tunisia

ContactJustine BELAID

On the occasion of the “Arab Cybersecurity Forum on Protecting Personal Data in the Age of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence” which took place in Tunis on 4 and 5 December 2023, the EU-funded regional programme CyberSouth, implemented by the Council of Europe, took the opportunity to explore synergies with other countries of the League of Arab States and increase cooperation during the future phase of the programme.

As the CyberSouth programme is transiting towards a new phase (CyberSouth+) to start in January 2024, programme representatives attended the Arab CyberSecurity Forum in Tunis. This event was the occasion for the programme to collect updates on threats and vulnerabilities that the Arab countries are currently facing and to share strategies and best practices on how to mitigate these cyber threats and challenges.

The event was also a strategic opportunity for the programme to ensure continued links with the League of Arab States countries and to discuss avenues for stronger cooperation and synergies for the next three years of implementation under the new CyberSouth+.