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The second Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting 2023 of the Civil Society Facility for the Mediterranean

From the last 13 to the 15 November, the Civil Society Facility for the Mediterranean met for the second Project Steering Committee in Brussels in order to meet with a number of EU Institutional Stakeholders and exchange on the current situation in the civil society in the Mediterranean region.

date:  27/11/2023

See alsoThe Civil Society Facility for the Medit...

ContactKristina PRUNEROVA

The Civil Society Facility for the Mediterranean met in Brussels, the last 13 to the 15 November, for the second Project Steering Committee and to have several meetings with a number of EU Institutional officials. An occasion for the FPA’s working in the civil society in the Mediterranean region to relate the current situation in the region, as well as the current crisis and difficulties they are facing and to have a fruitful exchange with the EU officials.

During these three days, the Civil Society Facility for the Mediterranean, discussed about their activities, structured dialogue and main objectives, as well as their event in the future as the Civil Society Forum. They were able also to meet and have rich exchanges with MEP’s, Representatives of the Members States based in Brussels, and EU officials from DG NEAR and the EEAS.