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SAFEMED V Project – 2nd Steering Committee Meeting

The last 22 November, the 2nd Steering Committee meeting of the SAFEMED V Project took place gathering several countries from the South Mediterranean region and several DG's from the European Commission, as well as regional organizations and actors, to discuss the results of the project and to present the plan for the upcoming years.

date:  23/11/2023

See alsoSAFEMED V Project

ContactVadim DELEU

The 2nd Steering Committee meeting of the SAFEMED V Project was held on 22 November 2023 in a hybrid format facilitating both in-person and online attendance. The meeting was attended by participants from the following Project’s beneficiary countries – Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, and Palestine – as well as Türkiye as an observer.

On behalf of the European Commission, DG NEAR, DG MOVE, and DG MARE attended the Committee, together with observers from the Union for the Mediterranean (UFM), the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC), and the Secretariat of the Mediterranean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Med MoU).

The significance of the EU-funded SAFEMED Project, now in its fifth iteration, was again highlighted as an important action for the region in enhancing the capacity of the beneficiaries, bearing in mind the EU policy priorities of safer, greener, and smarter shipping and the need to foster the implementation of international maritime conventions. In doing so, the importance of commitment by all parties for the success of the Project was emphasised. The high quality of technical assistance provided under SAFEMED V was particularly appreciated, as well as the flexibility of the EMSA-implemented Project that accommodates a timely response to the emerging needs of the beneficiaries and political developments.

After presentations by the invited stakeholders on their ongoing activities, EMSA provided a brief overview of the results of the Project’s first year of implementation, followed by comments from the beneficiaries. It was also noted that certain activities were postponed due to the unstable political and security situation in the affected regions. In addition to the appreciation by the beneficiaries for all the activities carried out, a common recognition of the need for openness and commitment was expressed.

The Project’s 2023-2024 action plan was also presented and endorsed by the Steering Committee, taking into consideration the specific needs and suggestions raised by the beneficiaries during the meeting. Among other items, possible new learning services to be developed by the EMSA Academy in 2025 met with the Committee’s approval.