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Launch of the Impact Together! regional project at the Impact Week in Torino, 22 & 23 November 2023

The last 22 and 23 November took place the Launching of the Impact Together! Project, in Torino, during the Impact Week 2023. This regional project which the main goal is to support social economy in the Southern Neighborhood, was launched in presence of the DG NEAR and 50 partners. An occasion to exchange on the project and social economy in the region, in an event gathering more than 800 actors and experts.

date:  23/11/2023

See alsoImpact Week in Torino 2023

ContactVirginie COSSOUL

The Launch of the Impact Together! regional project at the Impact Week, took place the last 22 & 23 November 2023 in Torino.

Impact Week is the EVPA flagship event for the impact investment community. More than 800 participants attended the event: impact funds, foundations, policy makers and other stakeholders from around the world. 

On this occasion, the regional  Impact Together project on supporting social economy in the South Neighbourhood was officially launched in the presence of DG Near, with more than 50 partners from the South and discussions around how to build a thriving ecosystem on social economy in the region. The event gave the opportunity to launch ground-breaking initiatives, foster innovative partnerships and provide an economic perspective to young people and social entrepreneurs to make their transformation count. A stakeholders meeting also took place with participants from South and Eastern Neighbourhood. Great synergies and spirit !