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Launching of the Trainning Curriculum Development Working Group by MOMENTUM on the 16 November 2023

The last 16 November, the team MOMENTUM launched the Training Curriculum Development Working Group with 14 representatives from 6 law enforcement agencies from the region among them Tunisia, Algeria, Maroc, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon. A launching initiate the start of meetings to improve their training related competencies through exchange of experiences.

date:  22/11/2023

ContactJustine BELAID

The meeting marked the kick-start of an 18 months process in which participants will attend a series of capacity building interventions to develop their training related competencies and through facilitated peer-to-peer exchanges share relevant resources and cooperate towards the development of a joint output. 

The members of the group will also contribute to the development of a training curriculum which is hoped will be piloted into some of the training academies in the region.

Following this session, the representatives will be given access to INTERPOL’s ILearn platform and be requested to validate the first activity in their programme, an eLearning on Gender mainstreaming in law enforcement (AR).