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The 8th Annual Focal Point Meeting with 10 partner countries

The 8th Annual Focal Point Meeting of the Euromed Trade Helpdesk - Trade and Investment Facilitation Mechanism aimed to give a platform for national partner of 10 partner countries to discuss achievements due to this program funded by the EU.

date:  27/10/2023

See alsoThe Euromed Trade and Investment Facilit...

ContactGiacomo BOGO

Conducted virtually, the event brought together stakeholders of the Euromed Trade Helpdesk - Trade and Investment Facilitation Mechanism. It served as a platform for national partners and ITC to discuss the achievements made possible through the support of the European Union funds. The meeting was attended by approximately 20 institutions, representing both public and private sectors in the Mediterranean region, as well as representatives of EU delegations and DG NEAR. During the meeting, our partners shared their valuable experiences and insights gained from their involvement in various project activities. Additionally, the International Labor Organization (ILO) contributed to enriching the discussions by highlighting strategies aimed at boosting regional integration. This meeting showed that our national partners are strongly dedicated to continuously helping the Euromed Trade Helpdesk as they understand how important it is for the region's progress.