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EuroMeSCo published a Paper on Urban Farming and Its Socioeconomic and Environmental Benefits for Ensuring Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Jordan

A New policy paper was published by EuroMeSCo about the pressing issues of food security, climate-induced risks, socioeconomic vulnerability in urban centers while promoting the socioeconomic and environmental benefits of urban farming to improve sustainable and inclusive growth in Jordan.

date:  13/10/2023

See alsoEuroMeSCo Publication

ContactIlektra TSAKALIDOU

This Policy Paper explores the potential of urban farming in Jordan to address the pressing issues of food security, climate-induced risks, and socioeconomic vulnerability in urban centers. With around 92% of Jordan’s citizens living in cities, and a significant refugee population residing in urban areas, the cities are highly vulnerable to disruptions in critical food supplies exacerbated by climate change and external shocks like the COVID-19 outbreak and Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The paper highlights the efficiency of urban farming, with innovative techniques providing up to 15 times higher productivity than conventional agriculture. Apart from addressing food security and health concerns, urban farming can play a vital role in enhancing cities’ resilience and employment opportunities. Moreover, it can act as a center for community engagement and youth education, while also providing ecological benefits.

Read more about this paper here.