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MED MSME Training of Trainers for a more inclusive Fintech sector in the South Med region

From the last 22nd September to 7th October 2023 the MED MSME programme held a Training of Trainers focusing on Fintech with a Gender lens. This Training of Trainers led by Dr. Amira Kaddour, had several objectives among them supporting champions on advocating more inclusive Fintech sector in the South Med region, engage with policymakers and regulators, etc.

date:  11/10/2023

See alsoMED MSMEs

ContactLiisa TANTTARI

TheĀ MED MSME programme held a Training of Trainers focusing on #FinTech_with_a_Gender_Lens. This pioneering training initiative, the first of its kind in the region, took place from September 22nd to October 7th, 2023, and was led by Dr. Amira Kaddour, University Professor and Principal Researcher for Inclusive and Sustainable Ecosystems.

The primary objective of this training is to support champions who will actively advocate for a more inclusive fintech sector in the South Med region, engage with policymakers and regulators, actively contribute to enhance the capacities of women's business associations and propose innovative solutions to maximize economic growth stemming from a more gender equal sector.

This initiative is an integral part of the action plan developed under the #Med_MSMEs Programme, designed to support the development of an inclusive ecosystem through targeted actions at the meso, macro and micro levels.

MED MSMEs is a EU-funded programme aiming at convening stakeholders and supporting dialogue at regional level to inspire policies and regulatory reforms for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), in particular on the internationalisation and access to finance dimensions.