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IMAP-MPA project's last steering committee

The IMAP-MPA project, which will end in August 2023, held its last steering committee back-to-back with its final visibility event. The SEMPA project will build on the achievements of IMAP-MPA and will kick-off soon.

date:  20/07/2023

ContactFrederic FOURTUNE

The last Steering Committee of the IMAP-MPA project, related to the creation of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean, implemented by UNEP/MAP, was held on 13 July 2023.

The Steering Committee was organized back-to-back with the project’s visibility final event, where numerous beneficiaries, institutions and project partners were participating.

The whole event went smoothly and the conclusions of the Steering Committee were very positive. DG NEAR was represented by Jean Christophe Filori, HoC of the EU Delegation in Morocco (see attached pictures).

The IMAP-MPA project will be ended by the end of August 2023 but the new SEMPA project “Bolstering Mediterranean biodiversity and MCPAs for nature” will take over immediately after.