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WES project concludes national activity in Algeria

The Water and Environment Support (WES) project recently delivered its conclusion on the technical support activity carried out in Algeria, which focused in the promotion of sustainable consumption and green entrepreneurship.

date:  11/07/2023

ContactFrederic FOURTUNE

Between August 2021 and November 2022, the Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood Region project, which is financed by the EU, provided technical support to the National Conservatory of Environmental Training (CNFE) from the Algerian Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energies. It focussed on promoting green entrepreneurship by integrating specific training in the university setting that was offered to university teaching staff and young Algerian university students and is likely to contribute to the sustainable development of the green and circular economy in Algeria. 

Among the different conclusions, one of the most important observations throughout this work was the need to give more support to young people in Algeria in order to develop green entrepreneurship projects. The students' motivation, the majority women, and the noticeable quality of the projects that were presented highlights this trial work, which absolutely needs to be replicated within more departments at the Université de Boumerdès and other universities in Algeria. The SwitchMed methodology used by the experts for this training does not necessarily reach young Algerians, and therefore, work within universities is essential as an addition to courses/master's degrees.