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5th coordination meeting on the regional Team Europe Initiative “Jobs through Trade and Investment”

The meeting offered an opportunity to discuss the upcoming pipeline of projects and to touch upon crucial aspects at the technical level, such as data collection and monitoring in order to ensure the effectiveness of the Team Europe Initiative.

date:  24/02/2023

ContactAurelien PASTOURET

In the framework of the regional Team Europe Initiative “Jobs through Trade and Investment”, representatives from NEAR B2, DG EMPL, UfM Secretariat, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, EIB, EBRD gathered for the 5th coordination meeting. They presented the upcoming pipeline under their remit with a focus on Women’s employment, access to finance. The group also touched upon the on-going work held at technical level on data collection and monitoring in order to measure the transformational effect of this regional TEI.

The TEI is meant to accompany our partners in the region in creating stable, sustainable and inclusive economies. Policy dialogue will be an important part of the TEI and shape our cooperation efforts. We call on our partners to engage in policy dialogue at regional level, including through the Union for the Mediterranean, and use all opportunities to learn from each other.

In conclusion, Henrike Trautmann, Director for the Southern Neighbourhood and Türkiye welcomed the fact that Sweden and the European Training Foundation are joining this regional initiative as TEI members. She recalled that we need to finalise our exchanges at technical level: fine-tuning the Joint Intervention Logic (selection of indicators), the narratives by pillar, the mapping, select case studies/flagships to feed our communication. These elements will support TEI members’ presence in Q4 high-level events during which they will showcase the TEI’s impact after one year of implementation. She also welcomed the proposal from FR and IT to organize in-country missions to promote the TEI and showcase results.