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EU-OECD programme on investment kicks off public-private dialogue (PPD) on “Promoting investment and business climate reforms in Jordan’s ICT sector”

On 23 June 2022, the OECD organised a public-private dialogue (PPD) on “Promoting investment and business climate reforms in Jordan’s ICT sector” jointly with the Ministry of the Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Investment, ICT Association of Jordan (Int@j), and the Jordan Strategy Forum.

date:  20/07/2022

ContactIlektra Tsakalidou

As a regional hub for ICT investments, Jordan is currently updating the 2021-25 National Digital Strategy with a roadmap that includes monitoring of indicators. The meeting discussed policy options to develop an effective business and regulatory environment, improve ICT costs and infrastructure, and match the supply of and demand for skills. The Minister of Digital Economy, Mr. Ahmad Hanandeh also stressed the importance of PPDs to achieve consensus on the type of reforms that are needed to improve the competitiveness of the sector. The meeting gathered more than 70 participants on site and online from different ministries and the parliament, the private sector, international organisations, EU embassies, and was covered by the media (1) (2) (3). Following the PPD, the Minister requested the inclusion of Jordan in the OECD Going Digital Toolkit as well as the summary of proposals emerging from the meeting as a basis for further consultations with the private sector.