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EuroMeSCo Country Event Jordan: Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean

On 28 June, EuroMeSCo held the second country event of the Annual Conference, in Jordan. Labelled as "Interlinkages between social justice and sustainable development in Jordan", it aimed to be a platform for further discussion on the implementation of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean, focusing on the theme of Social Justice and Inclusiveness.

date:  07/07/2022

See alsoEuroMeSCO

ContactLiisa Tanttari

This event in Jordan, co-organised with the West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute, was attended by HRH Princess Sumaya Bint El Hassan of Jordan, the Ambassador of the EU in Jordan, Maria HJadjitheodosiou as well as representatives from the Jordanian government, the Spanish Embassy in Jordan, and other stakeholders.

The event was divided into three parts: One plenary session on Social Justice and inclusiveness at the core of Sustainable Development Agendas in the Mediterranean. One working session to present the two selected papers: “Scaling up Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to maximize the socio-economic impact – The Case of RE and EE applied programs for Households in Jordan” and "Urban farming and its socio-economic and environmental benefits for ensuring sustainable and inclusive growth in Jordan", and a Plugged in Session that tackled the food crisis in the Mediterranean.

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