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Stakeholders in Egypt discuss sector selection for support under EU-ILO programme on "Mainstreaming of Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Neighbourhood (METI)"

On 16 June 2022, the first meeting of the Policy Working Group (PWG) of the "Mainstreaming of Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Neighbourhood (METI)" programme was held in Egypt.

date:  07/07/2022

See alsoMainstreaming Employment into Trade and ...

ContactIlektra Tsakalidou

Senior officials from line ministries, trade and investment support structures and social partners; members of the PWG have met to discuss the different aspects related to the implementation of the programme and to choose the sector on which the programme will base its technical assistance activities.

The team presented the reports developed within the framework of the programme and proceeded with moderating an interactive discussion on the sector selection. Participants considered criteria such as informality, adaptability of the sector to cope with future shocks, environmental and sustainability aspects and the sector’s women and youth employability. The PWG members concluded that Food/Agri-business and the Textile/Apparel are in line with national priorities. Both sectors, supported by the ICT sector, are instrumental to the National Structural Reforms Programme implemented by the Government of Egypt. Both sectors could be of high potential for the country and technical expertise will be offered to integrate the sector in the global or regional value chains, while supporting decent job creation.