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The 3rd Steering Committee EU funded IMAP-MPA project took place via videoconference

On the 7th of June, the 3rd Steering Committee of the EU funded IMAP-MPA project took place via videoconference. The meeting was attended by representatives of Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, of the European Commission (DG NEAR, DG ENV and the EU Delegation to Egypt), of the UNEP/MAP Coordinating Unit and its partner SPA/RAC, as well as representatives of the UfM Secretariat.

date:  09/06/2022

See alsoThe IMAP-MPA Project

ContactFrederic Fourtune

The meeting has been the occasion to present the project’s activities and achievement during the past year on its two main components, namely IMAP (Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme) and MPA (Marine Protected Areas).

On the first component the main achievement has been the signature by a number of participating countries of protocols of agreements on monitoring standards. On the second component substantial progresses have been reported on the support to existing and creation of new Marine Protected Areas in various South Mediterranean countries.

The project, which had slowed down during the two past years due to the COVID crisis, has now reached its cruising speed. It has been agreed that the generated savings would be translated into a 6 months extension of the project (until August 2023).

The UE financial contribution has been highlighted at different occasions and, as a general observation, the EU visibility has been correctly handled by the implementing partner UNEP-MAP as shown in the attached project brochure as well as in a video documentary :


Draft_Conclusions and Recommen...
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