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EuroMeSCo publishes the Policy Study on Green Transition in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

Anticipating and Mitigating Side-Effects: The Road to a Successful Green Transition in the Euro-Mediterranean Region is the first one of the new Policy Study from the five Joint Study Groups 2021.

date:  20/05/2022

ContactEloïse Roos-Kilhoffer

The new Policy Study takes stock of how Southern Mediterranean countries are reacting to the transformation of the global energy architecture and the opportunities offered by the externalisation of the European Green Deal with due consideration to the obstacles presented by the green transition in this region. The Policy Study is coordinated by Tiziana della Ragione, Research Associate at Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and Researcher at the Moshe Dayan Centre (MDC), Tel Aviv University. It counts with the contribution of Laura Basagni, Programme Manager at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), Larbi Toumi, Agro-Socio-Economist, Engineer in Chief and General Affairs Manager at the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests; and Aziza Moneer, PhD, Fulbright Visiting Fellow at the New Hampshire University, Department of Political Science.

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