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CrimEx discusses new EuroMed Justice cooperation instruments and progress in training activities

The 15th CrimEx meeting of the EuroMed Justice (EMJ) programme debated the development of practical tools for judicial cooperation with the South Partner Countries (SPCs), during a conference in Athens on 10 and 11 May. Updates were also given on the training component of the programme.

date:  20/05/2022

See alsoCrimEx

ContactMorgane Thebault

Over two days, CrimEx members from South Partner Countries and EU Member States debated cross-Mediterranean key tools for judicial cooperation, legal and gap analyses on e-evidence, personal data, joint investigations, procedural rights, asset recovery and bilateral agreements.

The EuroMed Justice practical tools for cooperation were drafted based on CrimEx requests and inputs, by 26 high-level criminal law academics and senior practitioners. These practical tools have a dual purpose: they not only provide accurate information and practical solutions useful to practitioners of justice from SPCs and EUMSs but also form the basis of training materials.