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South Programme IV: Raising Awareness in the Academic Community to combat Violence against Women

An awareness-raising workshop on combating violence against women was organised by the Council of Europe, on 26 April 2022, in partnership with the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Rabat (FSJES) and with the participation of national and international experts specialised in the field.

date:  05/05/2022

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See alsoSouth Programme IV

ContactAishih Wehbe-Herrera

The event brought together around 50 participants and aimed at raising awareness among students and professors on combating violence against women. National and international legal framework was presented in this field, in particular the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) as well as the online course of the Human Rights Education Programme for Legal Professionals (HELP) of the Council of Europe.

Since 2012, within the framework of the Neighbourhood Co-operation Priorities and the Neighbourhood Partnership with the Kingdom of Morocco, Moroccan authorities have closely involved the Council of Europe in the reform of the legislative and institutional framework structuring their efforts to combat violence against women and domestic violence, as well as building capacities of the actors involved. The Council of Europe has thus provided technical expertise in this field, including completing a comparative analysis to the preparation of the Law 103.13 on combating violence against women.