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The EBSOMED project has published on the 22nd of March 2022 a study to analyse the development of the green transition in the Mediterranean and the business opportunities offered by this decarbonisation process.

date:  24/03/2022

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ContactLiisa Tanttari

This paper, taking as reference instruments both the Green Deal and the Agenda for the Mediterranean, tackles the potential of the renewable energy sector as a highly scalable industry that can bridge the apparent gap between economic growth and environmental sustainability, especially in a post-pandemic context.

"Internationalisation of SMEs" in the core of the new EBSOMED thematic committee

In the framework of the EBSOMED project, BUSINESSMED - Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises organised on 9 March 2022 in Rome a meeting of the Thematic Committee "Internationalisation of SMEs".This Committee aims at nurturing the actors’ reflection on active policies related to enhancing the SMEs competitiveness and increasing exchanges between the European Union and Mediterranean countries.

EBSOMED dedicates a new thematic committee to "Women and Young Entrepreneurs"

The BUSINESSMED - Thematic Committee "Women and Young Entrepreneurs" established in the framework of the EBSOMED project, held a meeting in Rome on 10 March 2022 to reflect on how to foster regional inclusion of women and youth and to share information and practices in this sense in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Boosting the trade in the med region, main topic oft the EBSOMED Business Matchmaking Forum

In the framework of the EBSOMED project, ANIMA Investment Network  associated with the Interreg Med Green Growth project  and the  Summit of the Mediterranean Worlds to organize on 7 and 8 February 2022 in Marseille the Business Matchmaking Forum "Solutions for boosting economic trade in the Mediterranean".

The Forum was also the occasion for the signature of a Partnership between  Provence Promotion and the Centre Régional d'investissement Souss Massa, a concrete action of cooperation between the two shores.