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Water & Environment Support Project (WES)

The first video of the WES project has just been produced! It is the video developed for Component 2-Water use efficiency, on the topics of Water Demand management (WDM) and Non-Revenue Water (NRW), titled “HELP SAVE A DROP”.

date:  23/02/2022

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See alsoWES 1st Video

ContactFrederic Fourtune

The video’s primary target audience is the general public in the PCs. The general public is expected to be reached via Non-State Actors (NSAs) acting as multipliers such as the media, NGOs (environmental, youth, women), industry chambers, academics. Other audiences targeted through the video include relevant national and local authorities in PCs, MPs (through their network), relevant public sector entities in PCs, relevant NGOs, academia, media. Dissemination will primarily be online through the WES website / social media; PC stakeholder websites / social media; relevant NGO websites /social media; other relevant 3rd party websites /social media.

The video was designed for the following purposes:

  • Raise awareness of target groups on:
    • Issues of water scarcity / natural resources protection in the Mediterranean context
    • Value of management of water demand at household level and of NRW for protecting scarce natural resources in the region
    • Importance of contributing and ways to save water that can realistically be implemented
    • How WES contributes to tackling the issue
  • Motivate behavioural change of public to implement water-saving measures
  • Improve visibility of the EU’s role in enabling positive change in cooperation with relevant key stakeholders of the project

The video is the product of the concerted efforts of the WES Key Experts, the Communication team, the backstopping team and the production company “Small Planet” that was selected based on the applicable competitive procedure. The EU Communication and Visibility guidelines were closely followed.

The video is in English. Post-production subtitles will be added in French and Arabic. There will therefore be two versions of the video: 1- English audio with French subtitles & 2- English audio with Arabic subtitles. The production of the video started upon the signature of the agreement between LDK and Small Planet Productions on 30 November 2021 and is expected to be complete after the delivery of the videos with subtitles.