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How to support the EU-MED-AFRICA private sector to build strong value chains

Next week will be the first edition of the Africa – Europe week, which will end-up with the 6th European Union–African Union Summit (17-18 February 2022). The Africa-Europe week aims to strengthen the links that connect people from both our continent and will include a wide range of important events: the 7th EU-Africa Business (EABF 22), the Civil Society and Local Authorities Forum, the Culture Track and a series of side Events. Most of those events will be hybrid and therefore allow people from all ours partners countries to attend. Registration is open for all those events.

date:  11/02/2022

See alsoEU-Africa Business Forum

ContactMichel Marciano

The 7th edition of the EABF (from the 14-18th February) will focus on building stronger value chains for sustainable growth and decent jobs. It is co-organised by the European Commission, the African Union Commission as well as EU and African business organisations.  The Business Forum will be a unique opportunity to exchange with African and European Business leaders. Twelve high-level panels and numerous (more than two hundreds) online workshops and showcases events will provide insights into key themes of EU-Africa business, trade and investment relations. 

The North African countries are an integral part of Africa, they are well associated and involved on the preparation of the EABF especially through African Business organisations, among which the Africa Business Council based in Egypt is a major actor.  Others regional or national organisation entrerprises or think tank from North Africa are registered as a partner of the EABF22 and for most of thel will have a booth on the EABF Platform, and/or will organise a workshop.  They include the  Africa Economic Zones Organization (AEZO), whose President is Moroccan, the Africa Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) based in Egypt, la Confederation des Entreprises Algériennes, la Confederation General des Entreprises du Maroc, Global Young Leaders Organization from Tunisia, Black Lion Holding  Group from Egypt and  3D Netinfo DigitArt  Living Lab from Tunisia.

Two regional programs supported by the EC will also be present and will organise workshops and seminars: Anima with the Next Society program and Business Med based in Tunisia.

Another interesting initiative of our colleagues in Tunis is the side event entitled LA TUNISIE, TÊTE DE PONT ENTRE L’EUROPE ET L’AFRIQUE, organised by EU DEL to Tunisia in cooperation with Invest in Tunisia Agency (FIPA) and IFC. It will be held on 15th February, from 10-11:30.

Finally, Leveraging value chains and investment linkages to enhance MENA-Africa integration is another key side event organised by OECD.

For further information visit and register on the sites above, where the final programs will be posted.


EABF2022 Concept Note and Agen...
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