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“With the objective to foster a common Mediterranean identity and increase the visibility and ownership of regional cooperation”, the 28th of November was declared as the Day of the Mediterranean during the 5th UfM Regional Forum in November 2020. Coinciding with the date of the Barcelona Declaration, the Day of the Mediterranean was conceived “provide the opportunity to hold cultural events across the region with a view to strengthening ties, promoting intercultural exchanges and dialogue and embracing the diversity of the region.”

date:  28/01/2022

ContactLaura Carratala Diez

Following this declaration, the first Day of the Mediterranean was celebrated on 28th November 2021. Numbers prove the success of such celebration and the engagement of the Mediterranean citizens and countries.

  • LOGO! The official logo was chosen through an open vote on social media with the participation of 3000+ people, and was translated into 13 languages!
  • WEBSITE! A dedicated website was created in 5 languages as well as a collaborative agenda where stakeholders and institutions published their activities related to the Day of the Mediterranean. 21k+ visits from all over the region.
  • STAKEHOLDERS! 1000+ Euro-Mediterranean stakeholders working in areas such as cooperation and culture, government and local authorities were briefed and invited to join the celebrations.
    • Foreign Affairs Ministries and their network of embassies in the region joined the campaign on Twitter (Albania, Austria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain).
    • 17 European Union institutions and EU Delegations celebrated the Day online and launched a regional campaign to foster cultural knowledge and combat stereotypes.
    • UfM Foreign Affairs Ministers (Egypt, Malta, Lebanon, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain), EU high-level officials (including EU HR/VP and Neighbourhood and Enlargement Commissioner, and UNDP Regional Director for the Arab States) and other high-level personalities published statements and articles on this occasion.
  • PARTNERS! 50+ official partners (including the EC) and hundreds of organisations engaged.
  • ACTIVITIES! 75+ activities covering a wide array of thematic were developed in 18 countries from the region (Cyprus, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey). There were logo projections in two Mediterranean cities (Cairo and Barcelona).
    • The activities ranged from ministerial meetings, to cultural weeks, film festivals, roundtables, exhibitions, school activities, beach clean-ups and olive oil tastings!
  • MEDWORD! The “Mediterranean in 1 word”: A regional campaign to engage with citizens, 25+ Mediterranean personalities participating and 4,1 million+ views throughout the year featured in a regional media banners campaign with 5M+ impressions in more than 10 countries.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA! 300+ posts/tweets/stories across UfM social media platforms, including visuals, videos and quizzes. 3,7M views, 45k engagement actions and 30K clicks to the UfM or the Mediterranean Day webpages. Quizzes published on Instagram obtained a total of 5,8K interactions.
  • PUBLICATIONS! 5500+ publications from partners using the official hashtag #MediterraneanDay (these mentions have a potential reach of 45M users.)
  • MEDIA! Features in more than 1700 media articles, radio and TV, shows and news reaching a potential audience of 700M. Opinion articles published in more than 13 countries (Cinco Días; Público; Al Chourouk; TSA; Euronews;; Euractiv; Al Arab; Atlasinfo; Al Ahram; Al Rai; Jordan times; The Jerusalem Post; Eurativ FR; El Periódico.)


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