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Gender aspects within projects under the Facility

date:  22/03/2017

Gender is a common consideration within all of the projects of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey. This means that all interventions aim to promote equal opportunities for men and women, boys and girls, and gender disaggregated data is collected to monitor this aspect. Gender mainstreaming is a goal and some dedicated actions have been developed in this area. Particular efforts have been made to align Facility actions with thematic objectives of the Gender Action Plan 2016-2020, to be pursued in all the EU Actions in Turkey until 2020. These include the fight against all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG), as well as equal access for girls and women to quality education and vocational education and training (VET) free from discrimination, and support to women’s organisations and civil society organisations (CSO) working for gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment. The Facility is working with implementing partners that have solid experience in this area and capacity to discuss with the Turkish authorities, including UNICEF, UN Women and ILO. For example, UNICEF offers essential social services to children, specifically to girls and women and their families, with an approach that gives a more holistic understanding of the gender roles within the family and society. UN Women actions have women and gender equality at the core of their objective.

For more information see project table