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What is the EUTF?

date:  27/09/2017

Four years after its creation, and with more than EUR 1.5 billion of approved projects, the EU Trust Fund has already proven its added value beyond its economy of scale and the pooling of contributions from 22 EU Member States donors, and Turkey, as well as different EU financing instruments. It also offers a reinforced approach in Europe's response to the Syrian crisis, improving coordination and coherence, and addresssing longer-term needs of both refugees and local communities.

To date, the EU Trust Fund provides support to around 1.9 million Syrian refugees and local communities in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, the Western Balkans, and Armenia. Providing access to education, livelihoods and socio-economic opportunities, health care, water and hygiene as well as providing opportunities for sustainable income generation are at the heart of the Trust Fund mandate. The EU Trust Fund has a particular focus on women and girls.

For more info on the EUTF, please visit our website


State of play

Over €1.6 billion mobilised

Over €1.5 billion in projects adopted by the Board

More than €1.2 billion contracted to over 63 projects