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What is the EUTF?

date:  27/09/2017

Three and a half years in to its creation, the EU Trust Fund has already proved its added-value beyond economy of scale and the pooling of financial instruments. It has offered a new tool to the EU's response to the Syrian crisis, allowing for a more coordinated and coherent EU response. In 2017, the EU Trust Fund has crossed the billion-euro goal, set by EU Commission President Juncker in September 2015.

Today, the EU Trust Fund provides support to more than 2 million Syrian refugees and local communities in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, the Western Balkans, and Armenia. Easing access to education, livelihoods and socio-economic opportunities, health care, water and hygiene as well as providing more opportunities for a sustainable income for refugees and country nationals are at the heart of the Trust Fund mandate. The EU Trust Fund also contributes to a stronger and cohesive society, with a particular focus on women and girls.

For more info on the EUTF, please visit our website

State of play

€ 1.4 billion mobilised

€1.2 billion in projects adopted by the Board

€920 million contracted to 47 projects


The Trust Fund's first 21 projects are showing concrete results.  

209,000 People receive medical care & health services
More than 140,000 Children have access to primary education
28,870 Youth have access to higher education &  vocational training, including full scholarships and language trainings 

521,311 People benefit from livelihoods & resilience support
413,300 People access water services & infrastructures
337,299 People benefit from protection services