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Water and Sanitation

date:  27/09/2017

Abu Ihab is from Syria and currently lives in Sarih, Jordan. He, like many others, benefitted from a EUTF funded WASH project, which helps refugees and local communities obtain access to reliable and sustainable water services.

Abu Ihab is from Syria and currently lives in Sarih, Jordan. He, like many others, benefitted from a EUTF funded WASH project, which helps refugees and local communities obtain access to reliable and sustainable water services.

His life has improved a lot since. “The installations are excellent. I didn’t have a water tank. I used to bathe using a bucket. We also heated water on the stove. We had to pay for gas and for water. I only had two cubic meters of water and they weren’t enough. But when the installation work was completed, I felt it was a good job done,” he explains.

Even though Abu Ihab has more water than before, he still uses it with caution. “We try to avoid high water bills, as much as possible. That way, we can ensure we have enough money for the rent,” he added.​

Supported by the EU Trust Fund, and implemented by AFD and KFW, the WASH project in Jordan develops infrastructures and capacities in Irbid and Ramtha (Northern Jordan), where both Syrian refugees and local communities endure deteriorating water and sanitation services.