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The EUTF in News and media - December 2017

date:  27/09/2017

»     Inauguration of worksite at Hevi Pediatric Hospital in Duhok, Iraq

HOPES, Jordan

EU offers post-secondary scholarships to 59 Syrian, Jordanian students
»     Website of the Jordan Times (in English) (08 November 2017) by Camille Dupire

59 MA Scholarships for Refugees from Syrian
»     Website of the Al AnbatNews (in Arabic) (11 November 2017)

»     Website of the Al ArabYoum العرب اليوم (in Arabic) (11 November 2017)

»     Website of the Johina News(in Arabic) (11 November 2017)

»     Website of the AmmonNews (in Arabic) (09 November 2017)

HOPES, Lebanon
»     Website of Public (in English) (23 November 2017)

EU-funded ''HOPES'' Project Awards 144 Scholarships to Lebanese and Syrian Students

مشروع HOPES الممول من الاتحاد الأوروبي يقدم 144 منحة دراسية لطلاب سوريين ولبناني   
»     Website of the Lebanese University (in Arabic) (23 November 2017)

EU-funded ''HOPES'' Project Awards 144 Lebanese and Syrian Students with BA and Master Scholarships

مشروع HOPESا لمموّل من الإتحاد الأوروبي يمنح 144 منحة دراسية لتلاميذ لبنانيين وسوريين لمرحلة الإجازة والماجستير
»     Website of the National News Agency (in Arabic) (21 November 2017)

»     Website of the National News Agency (in Arabic) (21 November 2017)

»     Website of (in Arabic) (22 November 2017)

»     Website of (in Arabic) (21 November 2017)

"Back to the Future" Project

AVSI, Terre Des Hommes, War Child Holland

»    NNA News Lebanon (AR)

»    Annahar News Lebanon (AR)

»    Al Anwar News

»    Metronieuws Netherlands

LEADERS – "Back to Business" event

6 November 2017

»    Kermalkom News, Jordan

»    Petra News Agency, Jordan

»    Almadenah News Jordan

»    Jordan Times