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Happy Walls, Happy Schools

date:  27/09/2017

On 3 August 2017, both Syrians and Jordanians attended the closing ceremony of a community mural project completed by their children in Sahab, an industrial district in Amman (Jordan).

Aged between 8 and 13 years, Jordanian and Syrian school children worked together for a whole week and produced wall paintings as a way to illustrate important issues of peaceful co-existence.

This project was key to encourage interaction between Jordanian and Syrian students, who despite them being at the same school, have little or no interaction. The artwork was later presented to parents and local community members. One week earlier, a similar project took place at another district in East Amman.
The ‘Happy Walls, Happy Schools’ project - carried out within the framework of the 'Qudra' Programme - strives to improve school infrastructures and increase access to good quality education for both host communities and Syrian refugees. This regional project is financed with €12 million by the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the ‘Madad’ Fund and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) – implemented in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Northern Iraq.