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Water & Sanitation

Salim, 43, from Irbid, Jordan, saw the costs decrease and quality of water delivered at his home improve greatly. Thanks to a project implemented by the WAAD consortium and supported by the EU, via the Trust Fund, a bigger water tank, a water heater and taps were installed in his house. Click on More to watch his story.


In the wake of the Beirut explosion on August 4, hospitals in Lebanon, already working at maximum capacity because of the sanitary crisis, were overrun by patients in need of emergency care. IMC, with the support of the EU, via the Trust Fund, put in place mobile medical units to provide additional help. Click on More for information on this activity.


Wassim, his wife Noor and child are from Baachiqa and belong to the Yezidi minority. When Daesh arrived in 2014, they had to flee their home and seek refuge in Kurdistan. They were only able to return three years later, after Baachiqa was liberated, finding what once was their home in ruins. When Wassim’s child fell ill, the closest hospital, which could provide the healthcare needed, was Heevi hospital in Dohuk, 150km away. With the support of the EU Trust Fund, Italian NGO AISPO led the hospital’s renovations, equipped it with state-of-the-art machines and provided staff with training. Click on More to see their story.

Health Services

With 250,000 Syrian refugees having fled to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and 1 million internally displaced people due to the war against Da'esh, Akre Hospital in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, faces dire challenges to provide basic quality services to vulnerable patients. The Trust Fund with the Italian NGO AIPSO jointly contributed to providing Akre Hopsital with brand new emergency ward and helping it better fulfil its life-saving mission. Click on More to see the video


In Rabia, Nineveh, Iraq, where Fares and Fayyad live, the population relies heavily on agriculture but in order to have access to water and be able to revive this sector, following Daesh’ occupation, a pumping station needed to be installed and the canal needed to be cleaned of the grass and vegetation that had piled up. These two men benefit from the cash-for-work programme led by FAO with the support of the EU via the Trust Fund. Click on More to read this story


Huda is a Syrian woman living in Jordan with her family. She is one of the many women who benefitted from a home-maintenance training, led by EFI with the support of the EU via the Regional Trust Fund. Thanks to the training she attended, Huda is now able to provide for her family and dreams of opening her own business. Click on More to watch this story

Water and Sanitation

Nidaa, Lebanese, and Mariam, Syrian, are neighbors and bound by a very strong friendship. The village where they live in, has had many issues with water distribution until ACTED, thanks to the support of the EU via the Regional Trust Fund, set up a rain collection system, which collects and stores rainwater. Thanks to this project, the lives of Syrians and Lebanese like Nidaa and Mariam have dramatically improved. Click on More to read this story

Higher Education

Hewa, 21, is an ambitious and hardworking young man who had to leave his country and family when the war broke out in Syria. He now lives with his aunt in a refugee camp in Erbil. Thanks to Spark, with the support of the EU, via the Trust Fund, he was granted a scholarship and continues his studies. Click on More to read his story.


Lai, 40, from Deraa, Syria, benefitted from the psychosocial support offered by the Youbla Primary Healthcare Centre with the support of the EU, via the Trust Fund. The pressure he felt linked to his responsibilities towards the welfare of his family led to intense anxiety episodes. The doctors at the centre, however, were able to help him. Click on More to watch his story.

Social Protection

Many families are struggling to sustain themselves in the context of the sanitary crisis and the Beirut explosion that left them homeless and in desperate need of assistance. WFP, with the support of the EU, via the Trust Fund, is offering multi-purpose cash transfers to help those families with their basic needs. Click on More to watch their stories.


When his home was destroyed in a fire, baby Omar sustained serious burn injuries. Today, months after he received adequate medical treatment, Omar is eventually on his way to full recovery. Through UNHCR, the Trust Fund provides life-saving medical care to Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Click on More to see his video

Economic stability

Rasha Rifaai, 23, fled from Syria to Lebanon in 2014. Thanks to a SPARK scholarship, funded by the Trust Fund, Rasha took up nursery studies. She has now been offered a job as a Teacher’s Assistant. This initiative is one of many similar SPARK projects, which helps nearly 2 500 Syrian refugees and local community members. Click on More to see her video.

Economic stability

Qusai is a young apprentice carpenter who lives in Irbid, Jordan. Thanks to his new job, he is now supports his family. In the future, he wants to start his own business. This initiative is one of many supported by the LEADERS project, financed by the Trust Fund. LEADERS is helping some 250,000 Syrian and local community members, like Qusai, to become economically self-reliant. Click on More to see his video

Primary education

Ahmad, 11, and Manal, 9, both fled the war in Syria and now live in Jordan where they resumed their education. Like many Syrian children, Ahmad and Manal had lost several years of schooling. Thanks to the Back to the Future (BTTF) project, funded by the Trust Fund, almost 100,000 children can go back to school, both in Jordan and Lebanon. Click on More to see their video

EEAS Exhibition

The DG NEAR-managed EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis and the European External Action Service (EEAS) opened a photo exhibition of intimate portraits and personal stories of those whose lives have been irrevocably changed by one of the most dreadful human tragedies of our century, the Syria crisis. High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini visited the exhibition and expressed the honour it is for the EEAS to host it.

The Karama Human Rights Festival

The Trust Fund’s itinerant exhibition was displayed in December 2019 at the Karama Human Rights Film Festival, a 6-day EU funded Film Festival that has been taking place in Amman, Jordan, since 2010.  The exhibition showcases the accomplishments of young people who have worked hard to shape their future.

Addressing the Coronavirus pandemic

As part of the EU global response to the coronavirus outbreak, the Trust Fund mobilised €55 million to provide critical, targeted and quick support in the key areas of health as well as water, sanitation and hygiene in Jordan and Lebanon, the two countries that host the highest number of refugees per capita in the world.

From our Implementing Partners

Regardless of all the limitations linked to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Trust Fund’s implementing partners have continued to address the needs of the most vulnerable populations in the countries affected by the Syrian refugee crisis. From emergency response in the aftermath of the Beirut blast, to continuous provision of cash assistance to refugees across Jordan, and job creation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, read their latest news here.