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The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Regional Platform on Water took place in Lisbon

In Lisbon, on 5-6 June, participants from the whole Mediterranean region gathered on the occasion of the UfM Regional Platform on Water, hosted by the Portuguese Ministry of Environment.

date:  11/06/2024

ContactFrederic FOURTUNE

The 14th meeting of the UfM Regional Platform on Water (formerly known as Water Expert Group) was held in Lisbon on 5-6 June and hosted by the Portuguese Ministry of Environment.

The agenda items included the preparation of a foreseen Second UfM ministerial meeting on Water in 2025.

The aim of the new Ministerial Meeting is to contribute to achieving water security in the Mediterranean region, by providing strategic guidance to UfM member states, their partners, and the UfM mechanisms. Its objectives will include :

  • The review of the progress made by UfM member states in implementing the UfM Water Agenda;
  • The promotion of a more effective and efficient cross-sectoral work and solutions, in particular with the highly-related sectors of energy, agriculture and environment (WEFE Nexus);
  • The promotion of faster progress towards achieving the financial sustainability of the water sector, through improved water investment planning and a more strategic use of the sources of finance;
  • The promotion of the transition to a high-performing water sector, by disseminating the better use of recent technological developments, in particular through deeper digitalisation.

The meeting in Lisbon was theĀ opportunity of successfully gathering around the same table participants from the whole Mediterranean region.