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Green Economy: strategic workshop in Jordan for the launch of the policy component of Green Forward

In the framework of the new regional programme on Green and Circular Economy (Green Forward), DG NEAR took part, on 13 May, in the strategic kick off meeting in Jordan with representatives from the Government and the private sector in the region. This fruitful exchange was organised by Expertise France, the implementer of the Green Forward policy component.

date:  23/05/2024

See alsoProject sheet

ContactAurélien PASTOURET

In the framework of the policy component of Green Forward (official name of the green economy package), Expertise France has established its regional hub in Amman, Jordan. The implementer will finalise the inception report of the project by end of June/early July. At the occasion of this inception phase, they organised a first kick-off/strategic workshop in Jordan with representatives of the Government, associations and private sector representatives. DG NEAR took part in this meeting on 13 May and presented the new regional programme on Green and Circular economy in the Southern Neighbourhood (Green Forward). This package is the 2022 EU contribution to the regional Team Europe Initiative “Jobs through Trade and Investment in the Southern Neighbourhood” third pillar (inclusive entrepreneurship). 

After this first session, the EU Delegation in Jordan gave a presentation on the Green Deal, underlined the need for collaboration, and emphasised the more prominent role to be played by the private sector (mitigation and adaptation) as recently explained in the last Council Conclusions on green diplomacy. Jordanian representatives recalled the positive example of SwitchMed II’s MEDTEST methodology (on resource efficiency and waste management), responsible consumption and production (RCP), work with resource providers.

The project was well received by Jordanian attendees who emphasised the need to build on the good network of national focal points established by SwitchMed I and II. Important to keep these alive and connect the dots with the three components of Green Forward. Among the main needs identified: how to implement concept notes and action plans once produced.