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European Endowment for Democracy (EED) engages with independent media on "Empowering Media Resilience: Overcoming Challenges and Creating Impact’'

On 11 April, the EED convened an event in its premises in Brussels, an opportunity for representatives of independent media in the Southern Neighbourhood to discuss the socio-political context, the challenges they face and their approaches to independent information sharing.

date:  18/04/2024

See alsoEuropean Endowment for Democracy

ContactKristina PRUNEROVA

In an event held at the offices of the EED in Brussels, speakers representing independent media such as Mada Masr, Kshif, Daraj and Jummar from throughout the Southern Neighbourhood region reviewed the current socio-political context, explained the challenges they face and their approaches to independent information sharing.

Since the Arab Spring of 2011, independent media have flourished in most countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), providing crucial access to reliable information. However, in recent years the media environment has become more challenging, there is diminishing of media spaces and a deluge of misinformation and misleading narrative. 

Independent journalists face systematic challenges, in addition to personal attacks, intimidation, and the constant risk of prosecution. Restrictive legislation is on the rise, threatening the very structure of the media landscape. The economic environment poses its own challenges, with media outlets unable to function independently. Despite such ongoing operating difficulties, independent media are playing an ever-important role in demanding accountability, transparency, and helping to bring about more democratic societies.