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Launch of the regional package on Green and Circular Economy

On Thursday 7 March, the experts from the Switch2Green facility presented the results of their Mapping on Green and Circular Economy in the Southern Neighbourhood. The same day, NEAR B2 organised the first coordination meeting for regional the Green Economy programme with the three implementing partners: Expertise France, SPARK, UNIDO.

date:  07/03/2024

See alsoSwitch 2 Green

ContactAurelien PASTOURET

The mapping concluded that Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, and Algeria have developed a more mature ecosystem around green and circular policies, stakeholders, and programmes. All countries experience issues around governance, coordination, and implementation of circular economy actions. Private sector (mainly SMEs) and business organisations are increasing their role in the green transition. However, policy tools are missing or are not coherent to incentivize the circular economy transition. Investments are at offer but target mainly infrastructure and transport.

The regional programme on Green Economy will participate to tackle these challenges by intervening at three levels: (i) at macro (policy) level, by raising awareness towards public actors, ministries of Industry; (ii) at meso level, by supporting business support organisation in making the link between the public and private sector; and at micro (enterprise) level, by enhancing SMEs transition towards green and circular economy with a value chain approach.

The adoption of circular economy principles in the South Neighbourhood region can help promote more sustainable production and consumption patterns, reduce pollution, conserve natural resources, and create economic opportunities for the private sector, the youth, and women. Through the implementation of circular practices, countries in the region can mitigate the negative environmental impact and improve their economic and social well-being.

In conclusion, circular economy presents a transformative model for the Southern Neighbourhood region.  Despite gaining momentum, challenges persist in the countries of the region, where economic, political, and social struggles impede its full adoption. While progress varies among countries, collaborations with the EU such as under the regional programme, offer important opportunities to catalyse improvements in governance gaps, encourage private sector participation and support innovative solutions to bring to scale.