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Exploring the Mediterranean dimension of the Global Gateway

On the last 9 October, took place the EuroMeSCo Business Platform at Casa Árabe, with a plurality of actors to talk about the Mediterranean dimension of the Global Gateway and its strategic cooperation opportunities.

date:  13/11/2023

See alsoEuroMeSCo Business Platform

ContactLiisa TANTTARI

The EuroMeSCo Business Platform, which took place at Casa Árabe on 9 October, brought together private sector representatives, policy makers, and think tank experts to delve into diverse aspects concerning the Mediterranean dimension of the Global Gateway and its strategic cooperation opportunities.

Representatives from the GREGY, ELMED and MEDUSA presented the projects, highlighting the benefits of energy initiatives such as GREGY and ELMED in terms of providing the region with clean, efficient energy, and the connectivity advantages of MESDUSA aimed at transporting data between Southern Europe to North Africa. Despite its potential, the Mediterranean faces hurdles – fragmented markets, weak regulations, and an inhospitable investment climate.

During the debate, participants stressed the urgency of integrating power systems while overcoming technical, financial, and regulatory barriers. Establishing interoperability rules and fostering multilateral cooperation were underscored as focal points for the Global Gateway initiative in the region.

If you want to know more about the event, please check the EUROMESCO BUSINESS PLATFORM Report.