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The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) holds first in-person Senior Officials meeting since start of Covid-19 pandemic

In Barcelona, on 23 May, Senior Officials met at the UfM headquarters to discuss and reflect on the future developments and possible improvements to be made for the functioning of this institution.

date:  30/05/2023

ContactMaria Teresa CASTILLO CAMPO

The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Senior Officials held on the 23rd May their first in-person session at the UfM Secretariat’s Headquarters in Barcelona since the covid-19 pandemic. The morning session was dedicated to a retreat on the role, functioning and efficiency of the UfM. Certain member states proposed a significant reinforcement of the institution, with a larger budget and advocated for the possibility of implementing projects. The next Senior Officials meeting (SOM) in October will be called to take decisions on these proposals.

In the traditional SOM, the Senior Officials discussed preparations and key actions for upcoming meetings at ministerial level planned until the end of the year, notably the UfM Regional Forum gathering Ministers of Foreign Affairs next 27 November in Barcelona and ministerial meetings on Trade in Valencia on 19 October, Higher Education in Fez on 8 Nov.


*Senior Officials meetings are the governing body of the UfM, in which Jordan and the EU hold the current co-chair presidency, UfM Secretariat and 43 UfM Members States senior officials oversee and coordinate the work of the UfM.