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EuroMeSCo kicks off the third edition of the Joint Study Groups

Within the Framework of the EuroMeSCo: connecting the Dots project co-financed by the European Union, EuroMeSCo has held the Connect and Kick Off Meetings of four - Digital Transition in EU’s Southern Neighbourhood; Renewed Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation on Agriculture; Climate-induced Internal Displacement; Reassessing EU’s Approach on Returns and Readmission, - out of the five Joint Study Groups

date:  07/07/2022

See alsoEuroMeSCo

ContactLiisa Tanttari

The coordinators of each group, - Manuel Langendorf, Independent Researcher; Marko Lovec, Associate Professor at the University of Ljubljana; Manale Abou Dagher, Program Manager of the Climate Change and Environment Program at Issam Fares Institute; and Jean-Pierre Cassarino, Professor at the College of Europe, respectively - presented their research lines to EU policymakers and experts in order to ensure a policy-oriented approach for the resulting Policy Study, that will be released next year. In these four meetings, policymakers from several EU Institutions and experts from the EuroMeSCo network, have provided the coordinators with valuable feedback, aiming to link the coordinator’s proposals to the ongoing policy debates.